To give you smarter and faster life Nokia has launched most affordable Lumia series mobile India , The all new Lumia 510 which is available in three attractive color option as Black, White and Red in Indian market priced at Rs 10,499. The Director and Head, Smartphone Devices, Nokia India, Vipul Mehrotra, with actor Diana Penty launched new Nokia Lumia 510 in New Delhi. According to The Hindu.
New Lumia 510 is powered by a Single core, 800 MHz, ARM Cortex-A5 processor runs on Windows Phone 7.5 Mango offers you a four-inch screen sporting a five megapixel camera with auto focus, 256 MB RAM and 4GB built in storage. It’s comes with a 1300 mAh battery offers you 6.20 hours talk time and 30.8 days (739 hours) standby time. It’s weight is only 129 g.
New Lumia 510 is powered by a Single core, 800 MHz, ARM Cortex-A5 processor runs on Windows Phone 7.5 Mango offers you a four-inch screen sporting a five megapixel camera with auto focus, 256 MB RAM and 4GB built in storage. It’s comes with a 1300 mAh battery offers you 6.20 hours talk time and 30.8 days (739 hours) standby time. It’s weight is only 129 g.
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