December 16, 2009


I think every one has seen in bus , Metro train ,Govt jobs ,Education sector as well as in parliament ,the rule of reserved sit for ladies .My question is to every people ,why sits are not reserved for gents ?According to our democracy both male & female has equal right of living on the other hand we are discriminating them .Forget about the education,govt jobs & parliament lets discuss about the sits reserved in bus & metro train .I think totally injustice to the every one has seen sit reserved for the ladies ,seiner citizens & for physically handicap but no one has seen sit reserved for the gents,Why?Gents have no right to sit! Did you ever seen the male person in bus or metro train,they are traveling like animals.please notice this announcement in metro that "male person are requested not to sit ,sit reserved for the ladies ".Do you ever realized, where they will sit ?As a result of that they are started to break the rules like sitting on the reserved sits or on the floor of the metro train.In fact honestly I never enjoyed a journey in a bus or metro with sit.99% time I traveled like an animal even if i went to the hospital for treatment .As i heard from the politicians that"this reservation is for the development of women".I don't think this is development,real development comes through hard work & quality not by reserving sits .
My personal experience ..... as I worked in a MNC ,you what I have seen their ,our boss is promoting beautiful girls & exploiting the talented & hard working male a result many people turned to criminals or robbers.why most of the crime committed by the male ?This is because the exploitation they are facing every were since our independence following the rule of "ladies first".
You see the example "A male slapped a Female & A Female slapped a man "in both cases we are blaming the male person.this is totally injustice & against humanity.Being a male person I don't take it in any condition.
At last I would like to say Govt needs to correct the error & sit should be reserve for the gents like ladies ,give them equal rights of living to act on this rule ..........No doubt this will make the difference for our nation & to reduce crime.


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