January 25, 2011

PETA's Person Of The Year Pamela Anderson

I think it's known to you that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg awarded as the Times person of the year 2010 but do you know, who is PETA (Ethical Treatment of Animals) person of the year, she is known other than the heartthrob every one Pamala Anderson, she was awarded for her tireless work to save animals. 
Anderson has given a great contribution to raise awareness for animal welfare, animals rights and to stop cruelty against animals.
According to PETA, Anderson had also been penning letters and posing in their advertisements for raising awareness about cruelty to animals.
Being a human being, I really appreciate the initiatives of Pamela Anderson to stop animal cruelty. I think she is the most deserving candidate for this award because now a days none cares for human rights and that time some one thinking about animal rights. This is really greatness.

At last I would like ask you "Thinking about animals right is really great but what about human rights?


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