1. Since this is a new feature, to get early access you can request for email messages feature for your facebook account. Login into Facebook account and click here to open request webpage. Then click invite button at bottom right.
2. Once your invite is approved, goto messages in your Facebook account to get your facebook email feature activated.
3. Then select username for your Facebook email. If you have setup unique username for Facebook account like facebook.com/username then your default facebook email ID will be username@facebook.com. If you do not have unique username assigned to Facebook account, then you can setup Facebook username URL first and then repeat above steps.
Once your Facebook email is setup, you can share your Facebook email ID. All email messages from friends will land in messages section of your Facebok account. [via Facebook Blog]
Facebook email messages: Points to note
1. Facebook email messages are not like traditional email messages. It does not contain email title or subject line. Just send quick message to any friend.
2. Messages are not grouped according to date or subject line (as there are no subject lines). All messages are grouped according to sender’s name.
3. You can enforce strict privacy policy on who can send you message at your Facebook email ID. Messages from blocked users automatically land in spam folder. You can also promote messages from spam to priority inbox incase message is accidentenly sent to spam folder.
4. It is a simpler form of email service where focus is on ease of text communication based on sending users rather than message contents.
2. Messages are not grouped according to date or subject line (as there are no subject lines). All messages are grouped according to sender’s name.
3. You can enforce strict privacy policy on who can send you message at your Facebook email ID. Messages from blocked users automatically land in spam folder. You can also promote messages from spam to priority inbox incase message is accidentenly sent to spam folder.
4. It is a simpler form of email service where focus is on ease of text communication based on sending users rather than message contents.
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